Into the Space|Out of the Time
{:video_url=>nil, :images=>["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], :captions=>["01 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "02 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "03 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "04 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "05 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "06 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "07 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "08 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "09 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "10 Looking at Magic Island, 2 Channel Installation for 2 Projectors, 2004", "01 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "02 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "03 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "04 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "05 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "06 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "07 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "08 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "09 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004", "10 Mistaken Appointment at 7-Eleven, 10 Channel for 10 CRT Monitors, 2004"], :gallery=>{:title=>"Into the Space|Out of the Time, 2004", :description=>""}, :artist=>{:title=>"이승준, Lee Seungjun", :description=>"[학력]<br>\n2007 수원과학대 연기영상과 초빙교수, 중앙대 사진학과 강사<br>\n2005 숭실대학교 미디어학과 미디어아트 박사과정 수료<br>\n2001 New York University 예술대학원 Art&Media 졸업<br>\n1997 중앙대학교 예술대학 사진학과 졸업<br>\n<br>\n[개인전]<br>\n2008 여분차원 : Extra Dimensions, 쿤스트독 기획공모전, 서울<br>\n2007 After Love : Broken up Couples Project 기획초대展, 대안공간건희, 서울<br>\n2006 Hidden Groove 기획공모展, 관훈갤러리, 서울<br>\n2006 Beat & Bit 기획초대展, Gallery The Space, 서울<br>\n2005 Flash & Flesh 기획공모展, 문신미술관, 마산<br>\n2004 2회 다음작가展 Into the Space | Out of the Time, 인사아트센터, 서울<br>\n2000 Yo-Yo Time, 80 Washington Square Gallery, New York, USA<br>\n<br>\n[그룹전]<br>\n2007 복숭아꽃 살구꽃 2007 아시아미술제, 성산아트홀, 서울<br>\n2006 Moving Time, Gallery Korea, New York, USA<br>\n2006 Once Upon a Time, Nurture Art, New York, USA<br>\n2006 중앙미술대展, 한가람미술관, 서울<br>\n2006 Seoul Remains, 선화랑, 서울<br>\n2005 21세기 공예의 모험, 청주국제공예 비엔날레, 청주<br>\n2005 Playing with Shadow, 인천미디어아트 비엔날레, 인천<br>\n2005 108번의 삶과 죽음展, 이영미술관, 경기도<br>\n2005 RW|FF, 청담미술제 Video Art Screening, Gallery Demain,Gallery The Space, 서울<br>\n2005 세운상가 Project, 세운상가, 서울<br>\n2005 Space Mass 개관展, Space Mass, 서울<br>\n2005 Digital Passage展, Space Mass, 서울<br>\n2005 Asia Videoart Showing from AVICON, Kyoto Seika University, Japan<br>\n2005 Panta Rei, 인천부평구청전시관, 인천<br>\n2004 뉴미디어아트 페스티발 Ver. 0.5, 일주아트하우스, 서울<br>\n2004 Video Art Center Tokyo in Bandung, Indonesia<br>\n2004 Critical Point in Mind, 엘지패션 갤러리, 서울<br>\n2003 Moving Mind, 영은미술관, 경기도<br>\n2003 Asia Video Art Conference, Tokyo, Japan<br>\n2003 제3회 인디비디오페스티발, 일주아트하우스, 서울<br>\n2003 25hrs International Video Art Show, Barcelona, Spain<br>\n2003 새로운 시각정신, 코닥 포토살롱, 서울<br>\n2003 현대미술 영상-설치展, 대구문화 예술회관, 서울<br>\n2002 4th Video Marathon, Art in General, New York, USA<br>\n2001 Cross Wave, Quick Flicks, PBIC, Miami, USA<br>\n2001 Independent Exposure, Microcinema, Seattle, USA<br>\n2001 Not Still Art Festival, Boston, USA<br>\n2001 Godot-a-Gogo-Cabaret, Snackon Art, New York, USA<br>\n2000 Layers of Subconscious, Rosenberg Gallery, New York, USA<br>\n2000 The Jack Goodman Award, Rosenberg Gallery, New York, USA<br>\n1999 Theno+Geno, Canton Film Center, New York, USA<br>\n1999 Korea Identify Film&Video Festival, NYU Loeb Center, New York, USA<br>\n1999 Six Event, Canton Film Center, New York, USA<br>\n<br>\n[수상]<br>\n2006 중앙미술대展 선정 작가<br>\n2003 2회 다음작가상, 박건희문화재단<br>\n2003 인디비디오 페스티벌 프로그래머 선정<br>\n2000 The Jack Goodman Award for Art and Technology, New York, USA<br>\n<br>\n[출판]<br>\n2004 다음작가選2 Into the Space | Out of the Time, 박건희문화재단, 서울<br>\n[방송]<br>\n2001 Repose, Salto Channel 2, Amsterdam, Park 4DTV, The Netherlands<br>\n2001 Ascent & Descent, Brooklyn Time Warner Channel 34, New York, USA<br>\n<br>\n[배급사 & 소장]<br>\nMicro cinema, San Francisco, USA<br>\n한국영상자료원<br>\n박건희문화재단<br>\n관훈갤러리<br>\n<br>\n[공연영상 감독]<br>\n2007 광기의 역사, 수원화성국제연극제, 거창국제연극제, 과천한마당축제<br>\n2007 전람회의 그림, 성남아트센터, 경기\n"}}
Into the Space|Out of the Time
26. 2회 이승준-2회-이승준-2.jpg
Ascent & Descent
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